Sunday, July 13, 2014

Today began with sleep. Priscilla and I slept in till 8 and it was so refreshing. We then headed to church with the Harvey’s; it took place at the chapel on the Hospital grounds. The service was very fun and lively! Singing was always accompanied with dancing! Dave Bills gave the sermon; he is an American missionary in town with his wife for the weekend. They live in southern Congo and came to Impfondo to teach Congolese Christians how to be Sunday school teachers. They held classes for this Thursday through Saturday and it was a success, all the Congolese that attended were super excited and they all received certificates after completing the course! Dave Bills speaks French so he gave the sermon in French that was then translated to Lingala for all the people in Impfondo to understand, and then it was translated again into English for those of us who don’t speak either of those languages! Slightly hectic, but it was incredible seeing so many languages come together to worship our Lord!
After church almost all the missionaries took naps, including Priscilla and I. After our naps, I went swimming with the Lunsfords, Claire and Noah Harvey, Enoch and John (Noah’s Congolese friends). Priscilla hasn’t been feeling well so she stayed behind and slept more (Please pray that she would start feeling better soon). We all went swimming in the Congo River for about an hour, it was so refreshing because today was VERY hot and sweaty!
After our swim we headed back to the Harvey’s house for Sunday night live; a time of sharing, worshiping, and prayer. We heard from the Bills and how their mission came to be and how it is currently. They both had a cool story in which neither of them came from Christian families, but were invited by friends at a young age to Sunday school. So now they serve the youth of Congo in hopes of doing the same thing!
Now we are watching the final World Cup game, Germany vs. Argentina! Go soccer!  

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